
Questions: Who first out of the pool?
Answer: Technically, Frank, but after him was Brad, as you can see in this photo, Brad gets out first.

Questions: Where is this mysterious button on Frank's corset you mention?
Answer: Look closely...

Questions: Where does Riff get the rag from ?
Answer: The rag is Riff's Hump as you can see in these photos. Riff pulls it from his upper left
jacket, the same location as his hump. After he does this his hump is gone (see last pic)

Questions: Is there an air conditioner in the church window?
Answer: No! it is a window propped open. Look closely.

Question: If you are injured in a car accident on the way to a show, what should you do?
Answer: If you are injured in a car accident for example in San Diego on the way to a show, you would want to first call the police and then call a San Diego car accident lawyer to give you further advice.