Our F.A.Q.
Hopefully this will answer some of the questions I get.
My Intention:
With my World Wide Web page I want to bring attention to Rocky Horror.
I do not profit from this... I do this as a labor of love.
Where do I get the images on my page?
95% of the images on this page I captured myself. About 5% of the images
I obtain from other places around the web or they are sent to me via email. I
don't use anyones images without prior permission.
Who does all the graphic work for Cosmo's Factory?
All the images are created by me (Cosmo)
What software do you use in making Cosmo's Factory?
Sound Forge for audio
WinAmp (Gotta have music)
Macromedia Dreamweaver (only for mouseovers)
MacroMedia Fireworks
Adobe Photoshop 7.0
Adobe illistrator
I code all the perl and html by hand in Notepad+
For capturing video and images from DVD and VHS, I use software
I wrote myself specifically for doing such.
You mentioned "gotta have music" What do you listen to?
When I am coding Cosmo's Factory, I have to be listening to music.
The Police
Meat Loaf
Jim Steinman
Todd Snider
Robert Earl Keen
Matchbox 20
Robby Fulks
And definately anything from "The Rat Pack"
I need music that is creative to enhance my creativity.
Who does all the HTML, PERL, and CGI programming at Cosmo's Factory?
That is all done by me, Cosmo. I wrote all of my own code including; the
guestbook, the classified sections, the trivia games, the database, and the
counter. The backend to Cosmo's Factory is a self written database that
makes updates easier.
Hate Mail:
To date 8/27/98, I have received over 750 hate e-mails, 91 people tried
to crash my guestbook page, and 37 tried to crash my classified section,
6 have tried to crash the Fan Database.
Included in the 750 hate letters were over 30 death threats! No kidding!
Yes, for those folks following this number over the years yes after
con's it goes up quite a bit.
Most people say I run a shitty page, have unfair trivia questions etc...
Since January 2001 I quit counting the letters.
What is the target browser for Cosmo's Factory?
I write Cosmo's Factory for the lower end browers to ensure everyone
can getthe info they want regardless if they have an old PC. 256 colors
or better, Internet Explorer, 800x600 screen res. I currently do not use
Where is Cosmo when he writes all these pages?
Well, I used to write them at work (off the clock) but now I write mostly at
home. Creativity is something very important to me. I am constantly
trying to improve on what I have and expand. It is very seldom that I take
time off from Cosmo's Factory I am always cleaning up the site.
What else do you do?
Cosmo's Factory takes up alot of time. I also produce the local Rocky Horror cast
in Cincinnati, Ohio The Denton Affair
And I have a home recording studio where I spend alot of time writing music.
Are you married or single?
In 2001, I got married to my best friend in Las Vegas. I have a beautiful baby girl
named Rowan.
How old are you?
I like to keep specific info private, my age is one of them. Let's just say
I am old enough to have been doing this for 10 years.
How long have you been doing this?
Next year Cosmo's Factory will celebrate it's 12 year anniversary.
Who is your web space provider?
When I started Cosmo's Factory about 9 years ago it was hard to fine
a company that could host Cosmo's Factory. Usually due to size and transfers.
There were many times where my transfers would hit the roof and my web
hosts would charge me $400 or more for that month. So in 1999 I started a
company called CF Multimedia.Org that specializes in hosting for
web developers that have odd needs. Whether they need alot of space,
high transfers, or if they have alot of domain names all pointing to one.
CF Multimedia.Org filled a void that definately existed in web hosts. So to
answer the question. We are our own web host.
I sent email to Cosmo a few days ago and still no reply! Why?
Well, one of two reasons.
1. I can only receive email while at work.
I work Monday - Friday 8:00am - 8:00pm
2. I get about 50-80 pieces of email a day.
I havn't had time to reply to you.
I reply to all the mail I get.
Where did you get the name Cosmo?
Along time ago, I dressed up for a costume party at a local Rocky Horror
show. I went as Cosmo McKinley. The nickname stuck from there.
Why is it called Cosmo's Factory?
Well, not only does it go with my nickname...It is also my favorite CCR album.
Why do updates take so long?
Even though I run with a database, alot of times things such as a theme or
color change require me to change the pages manually.
What companies has Cosmo's Factory worked with?
Rolling Stone, Oglio Records, Rhino Records, Kaboom Cards,
Rocky Horror on Broadway, Headliners, and many more.
What are your interests outside of cult movies?
I like music. I play a variety of instruments including; guitar, bass,
drums, piano, saxaphone and harmonica. I own a recording studio and I like
to record. I am training to be a luthier. (That is someone who builds stringed
I have a question not answered here..
Feel free to contact us at the link at the top of the page.